Having problem with limited space of your home ? Below is several tricks and tips to make small home looks wide and comfortable.
Lighting With proper lighting optimization, small room will be show much bigger. Lighting include internal and external light source. For internal lighting source, use white / bright color lamp. Meanwhile, to optimize the external souce, maximize the use of transparent material for your wall.
Furniture For small or limited room space, avoid to use big size furnitures. For example, use low desk for your television set instead of big size cabinet.
Coloration For your wall, choose light type colors. Light blue, pink, pastel colors are suitable for this. Do not use red, black, or ground type colors.
Room Partition Instead of seperated by wall, except for the private area, it will be better define each room function by a little tricky way. Different paint color or tile pattern will do. You also an do this by creating different floor level.
Home Decoration and Accesories Never put to many decoration for small room. It will be better if you put mirror on the wall. Image from the mirror can make the room seems wider.
Lighting With proper lighting optimization, small room will be show much bigger. Lighting include internal and external light source. For internal lighting source, use white / bright color lamp. Meanwhile, to optimize the external souce, maximize the use of transparent material for your wall.
Furniture For small or limited room space, avoid to use big size furnitures. For example, use low desk for your television set instead of big size cabinet.
Coloration For your wall, choose light type colors. Light blue, pink, pastel colors are suitable for this. Do not use red, black, or ground type colors.
Room Partition Instead of seperated by wall, except for the private area, it will be better define each room function by a little tricky way. Different paint color or tile pattern will do. You also an do this by creating different floor level.
Home Decoration and Accesories Never put to many decoration for small room. It will be better if you put mirror on the wall. Image from the mirror can make the room seems wider.